The Winner of Adi Makayasa Medal as The Best Graduate of Indonesian Air Force Academy (IDAFA) year 1991, and the Winner of The Best Graduate Trophy of Electronics Majoring IDAFA year 1988-1991, and also the Recipient of the Outstanding Officer Award from the Chief of Staff of Indonesian Air Force in 1996. He achieved Bachelor in Electronics Engineering (1996) from Department of Electrical Engineering, Master in Computer Engineering (2008), and Doctor in Electrical Engineering and Informatics (2010) from School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia where all degrees were awarded with Cum Laude Predicate. In military track, he finished the School of Command and Staff of the Air Force in 2011 and was awarded with Sastratama Award as the Best Graduation Manuscript. He attended the Defense Resource Management Course at Naval Postgraduate School, USA (2014) and also did Senior Manager Course in National Security Leadership, George Washington University, USA (2014). His military career includes the Head of Training Facility at 3rd Fighter Wing Iswahjudi Air Force Base (1998-2005), Head of Subdirectorate at IDAFA (2005-2011), Research and Development Officer at IDAF Headquarters (2011-2013) before assigned to various Ministries. He was with Ministry of Defense as Assistant Professor at Indonesia Defense University (2013-2015), Policy Analyst at Secretariat General of National Resilience Council (2015-2017), Vice Secretary of the Synergy of State Apparatus’ Social Media at Coordinating Ministry for Political, Law, and Security (2018) before returning the Air Force Headquarters (2019). He was also an Indonesia delegate for Committee of Science, Technology, and Innovation (COSTI) ASEAN between 2019-2020 (Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education as well as Ministry of Research and Technology/National Agency for Research and Innovation), involved in the construction of National Strategy of Artificial Intelligence 2020-2045 and also a member of Task Force for Research and Technology Innovation for Covid-19 (TFRIC-19) in 2020, and Sandbox Working Group at Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence in 2021 (The Agency for Technology Assessment and Implementation), and Experts for Electrical Engineering at Indonesian Coast Guard (2021). In academic career, he achieved Assistant Professor in 2014, already publishes more than 300 articles in international and national scale since 1995, and also keynote speakers and speakers in government and non-government agencies at home and abroad. His research with his team achieved Best Paper Award in Italy (2016) and Indonesia (2018 and 2019). As the Inventor of Cognitive Artificial Intelligence’s Knowledge Growing System (KGS), he has 6 registered patents and 15 awarded copyrights, and has been the team leader of Cognitive Artificial Intelligence Research Group (CAIRG) since 2019. He holds several international certifications such as ASEAN Engineer (ASEAN Eng.) and ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer (ACPE) on Electrical Engineering. Since April 2021, he and his team has been carrying out a research on Object Detection and Recognition using KGS funded by Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG), US Navy that is also supported by Combat Capabilities Development Command Indo-Pacific (DEVCOM Indo-Pacific U.S. Army, and Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (AOARD) US Air Force for two years. Currently he is a Senior Officer at Abdulrachman Saleh Air Force Base, 2nd Operation Command who is also Adjunct Professor at Master of Applied Electrical Engineering Study Program, Department of Electrical Engineering Politeknik Negeri Malang, Indonesia since 2019.